Author: Dr Walpola Rahula
Synopsis: This is a very well known work on the basic teachings found in the Pali Canon (Tipitika). It contains all the essential doctrines of Buddhism: the four noble truths, the noble eightfold path, meditation, and enlightenment. Dr, Rahula composed the book in simple, clear English, presented with copious notes & quotations from the Pali Canon. It remains a classic of its type.
For a review of this book read the following: What the Buddha Taught

Author: D.T. Suzuki
Synopsis: Often billed as 'the man who brought Zen to the West,' Dr. Suzuki wrote innumerable books & essays on Buddhism, this one being the most concise description of Zen Buddhism. As a primer on Zen, or at least the Rinzai sect of Zen, it cannot be bettered, introducing its reader to satori, zazen, koans, and the incredible Zen masters. Kwatz!
For a review of this book read the following: An Introduction to Zen Buddhism
Book: On Having No Head
Author: D.E. HardingSynopsis: This little book is a bomb of words. Reading it can literally blow your head off! Douglas Harding wrote it around the simple 'experiment' of pointing back at where others see a face, and taking note of what is actually seen here. He goes on to describe how to integrate this experience into one's life, using it to be a happier, more compassionate headless person.
For a review of this book read the following: On Having No Head

Author: Ajahn Chah
Synopsis: Edited by Paul Breiter & Jack Kornfield, this is a collection of reminiscences about, and teachings of, Ajahn Chah, a Thai forest monk from the late twentieth century. He has a unique way of getting his listener to open up to the Dhamma, the way things are, using colorful analogies and imagery. Moreover, he does it all with wit & wisdom.
For a review of this book read the following: A Still Forest Pool
Author: Ajahn Sumedho
Synopsis: In this book, a senior western disciple of Ajahn Chah introduces his reader to the basic teachings of Buddhism in the light of mindfulness. Each chapter is centered around teachings familiar to any Theravada Buddhist, but beautifully scented with the practice of awareness, and illustrated with examples from Ajahn Sumedho's own life.
For a review of this book read the following: The Mind and the Way
Thanks for all sorts of Books related to Buddha's teachings.
Can you help which book is most corrected version of Buddha's teachings.
'What the Buddha Taught' is a fine introduction to Buddha's basic teachings. I don't know what would qualify as the "most corrected version of Buddha's teachings," however. There's no consensus as to what Buddha actually taught as nothing was recorded for several centuries after he lived, and different schools give somewhat different accounts of what he taught. Moreover, Buddha didn't merely teach doctrines, but rather living teachings and methods to awaken with. Therefore, the other books mentioned in this article complement Dr Walpola Rahula's theoretical work with practical ways to put Buddha's teachings into practice.
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